The daily to-do list...

Just a little check-in post for you all and a little brain blurt of the day for sanity.

I just wanted to say, be proud of yourself. That to-do list you made yourself, you may not have completed it all today. You may not have filled yourself with the satisfying pride of crossing everything off that list, physically or mentally. The reason, I don't know? Maybe you overlooked how long one task would take; maybe you just procrastinated. Whatever it is, don't beat yourself up.

The day is coming to an end. You still have way too much to do. Take a minute. Be proud of what you have achieved. Throughout the whole day, you may feel like nothing has been accomplished- a day washed away with uncompleted tasks. Let me tell you one thing: you have completed something. If you slept all day, you've given your body the rest it was most likely desperate for, if you've been on TikTok all day, you've entertained yourself and most likely put a smile on yours or someone else's face, if you've only got an hours walk/yoga/class as opposed to two or three, you still got yourself up and doing something. Accept, appreciate and encourage the little things in life. 

In a world where we are overworked and catastrophe is looming, slow down. Take your time to do the things you need. Think about it this way, if you're driving a car with the accelerator on all the time, you're going to burn out a lot faster than if you steadily keep moving forward. This is your journey, breathe.

Also, stop comparing yourself to everyone! Stop comparing how productive someone else's day has been. They may have got both assignments done as well as all of their exercise in, yet you may have got one quality assignment in and possibly a few exercises focusing on exactly what you need to do. Or did your day just consist of TV binging? If so, never -AND I MEAN NEVER- feel guilty about that. These are feel-good tasks for the soul, essential for creating you as an individual and inspiring your creativity unconsciously.

Finally, please just remember, if it's not been the most productive day or week or even month- honey, we're in a national pandemic, you're probably keeping it together better than most. This isolation is like a bear hibernating- all they do is sleep and then come out thriving. Give yourself a break.

Maddie x


  1. Love the way you write. Great piece which has helped me reflect and start to learn to accept. Looking forward to reading your next blurt! #gogirl

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